

telegram 电报 telegraph 电报机,电报 telepathy 心灵感应传心术 telephone 电话电话机 telephoto 传真照片传真电报 telesales 电话销售 telescope 望远镜缩叠式旅行袋 teletext 文字电视广播 television 电视,电视机电视;电报英文是telegraph双语例句 1总统收到用电报发来的一份电报The President received a briefing by telegram2“我想发份电报”“好的,发给谁”“I want to send a telegram” “Fine, to whom?”。

The firecracker went off in the morning, open the door open Spring Festival first plug and firecrackers, called the quotopen the firecracker went offquot The firecracker, red, can break ground if brocade, called;ITTInternational Telephone and Telegraph Corporation,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助这个词语的汉语意思是国际电话电报公司希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题。


1、telegraph 电报机,电报 telepathy 心灵感应传心术 telephone 电话电话机 telephoto 传真照片传真电报 telesales 电话销售 telescope 望远镜缩叠式旅行袋 teletext 文字电视广播 television 电视,电视机电视业 telex 电传。

2、Alvaro Thomas Edison ThomasAlvaEdison The United States is a worldrenowned scientists and inventorsIn addition to his gramophone Electric, telephone, telegraph, inventions and contributions to the movie, in the mining。

3、2A TelegraphicAlAddress电报挂号, 收电报的地址3Radio Typewriter无线电电传打字电报机4Ectronic Teleprinter电子电传打字电报机5Wired TelegraphType Fire Alarm Box有线电报式火灾报警箱6A Telegram Sent By Submar。

4、为您解答 It was to Maury of the US Navy that the Atlantic Telegraph Company turned,in 1853,for information on this matter问题一in 1853之前这句是什么结构为什么这么写turn放最后,to放在最前回答 除去。


5、电报是一种通过电信网络传送文本信息的通信方式,其英语表达是telegraph或telegram以下是一些与电报相关的英语词汇和表达Telegraph 电报,指通过电信网络发送文本信息的通信方式例如,The news was sent around the world b。


7、27 telegram, telegraph 当电报解时,telegram指具体的,telegraph指抽象的 a telegram, by telegraph 28 trip, journey, travel, voyage travel是最常用的,trip指短期的旅途,journey指稍长的旅途,voyage指海上航行 a。


1、Explore the period boarding room which depicts Edisons life in Louisville in 186667,and discover the significance of the telegraph 高二英语作文 篇8 More and more people attach great importance to relationship in career。

2、Paul Julius Reuter noticed that, with the electric telegraph, news no longer required days or weeks to travel long distances In 1850, the 34yearold Reuter was based in Aachen, Germany, close to the Dutch and。

3、With the knowledge of the brilliant engineer Smith, the five are able to sustain themselves on the island, producing fire, pottery, bricks, nitroglycerin, iron, a simple electric telegraph, a home in stone called the quot。


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